Учитель английского языка Павел Александрович Левченков

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Вопросы и ответы, отзывы, предложения и комментарии

Контрольно-проверочные задания: 6 класс
Итоговая контрольно-проверочная работа за год

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Время на выполнение работы: 40 минут
Максимальное количество баллов: 50 (+30)

I. Give English equivalents to these words and word combinations (10 points):

  1. мне показали _______________________________________________________________
  2. нам одолжили ______________________________________________________________
  3. им заплатили _______________________________________________________________
  4. ему сказали ________________________________________________________________
  5. мне предложили ____________________________________________________________
  6. вас просили ________________________________________________________________
  7. ей отказали ________________________________________________________________
  8. им отослали ________________________________________________________________
  9. ей дали ____________________________________________________________________
  10. тебе разрешили _____________________________________________________________

II. Fill in the blanks with phrasal verbs (10 points):

1) James was carefully ____________ down what the teacher was saying. 2) - I'd like a cheese pizza, please. - To eat here or to ____________ away? 3) Who is going to ____________ after your cat when you are away? 4) The coat I bought is too small for me, do you think I should ____________ it back to the shop? 5) I have no time to read the book, but I'd like to ____________ it through. 6) I won't ____________ off my jacket: I'm not staying long. 7) Is it a true story or have you ____________ it up? 8) Unfortunately she didn't ____________ after her mother, she is a lazybones. 9) I know the task is difficult but don't ____________ up. 10) Ann is so tolerant and kind. She likes ____________ after children and old people.

III. Render the following sentences in reported speech (10 points):

  1. “Do you like my pies, Ann?” asked her grand­mother. 
  2. “Stop shouting and do your home­work,” Tom’s mother said to him. 
  3. “What did you do at school yesterday, John?” said his father. 
  4. “Will you play the piano today, Helen?” asked her aunt. 
  5. My uncle said, “We shall visit you next week.” 
  6. “Don’t cross the street when the lights are red,” said the man to Nick. 
  7. “I borrowed a very good book from our library yesterday,” said Mike to his fa­ther. 
  8. “Come to my house tomorrow, Jane,” said Lena. 
  9. “Where are your books, Betsy?” said her mother. 
  10. “Have you received a telegram from your wife?” she asked Robert. 

IV. Open the brackets and complete with the proper verb forms (20 points):

1) I asked my sister to tell me what she _________________ (see) at the museum. 2) I always _____________ (do) my Units before I ____________ (go) for a walk. 3) The children _________________ (plant) twenty trees before noon. 4) Please give me a pencil, I _________________ (lose) mine. 5) Where is Sergei? — He _________________ (go) home. He _________________ (leave) the room a minute ago. 6) We'll go on holiday as soon as Father _________________ (come) back from his business trip. 7) The race _________________ (finish) by the end of the day. 8) I knew they _________________ (wait) for me at the metro station and I decided to hurry. 9) I was afraid that the little girl _________________ (not, be) able to unlock the front door and _________________ (go) upstairs to help her. 10) He says that he _________________ (know) the laws of the country. 11) Sarie understood why Lanny _________________ (not, come) the previous evening. 12) She asked me whether I _________________ (remember) the legend about a faithful lion. 13) He understood why the soldiers _________________ (arrest) him. 14) He could not understand why people _________________ (no, want) to take water from that well. 15) He said he _________________ (stay) at the Ritz Hotel. 16) He said he _________________ (leave) tomorrow morning. 17) I asked my neighbour if he ever _________________ (travel) by air before.  

Extra Task.

V. Translate the sentences into English (30 points):

  1. Она сидела на диване и просматривала журнал. 
  2. Кто позаботится о твоем питомце, когда тебя не будет дома? 
  3. Я не могу заставить свою кошку ловить мышей. 
  4. Если мы уберем квартиру, мама очень обрадуется. 
  5. Когда начался футбольный матч, дождь уже закончился. 
  6. Я не могу отказаться от мысли съездить в Лондон. 
  7. Она слышала, как кто-то вошел в комнату. 
  8. Убери отсюда свои игрушки, пожалуйста. 
  9. Что вы будете делать завтра после обеда? 
  10. Зачем ты отдала этот журнал? Я его ещё не читала. 
  11. Я не хочу, чтобы ты получил плохую оценку. 
  12. Миша делал домашнюю работу, когда папа пришел домой. 
  13. Мы ожидали, что делегация приедет в конце недели. 
  14. Не сдавайся, ты можешь это сделать. 
  15. Я не могу разобрать, что здесь написано. 


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