Учитель английского языка Павел Александрович Левченков

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Левченкова Павла Александровича
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Высшая лига образования САММИТ

Laugh, Please

Vocabulary (make sure you know these words):

  • to give a lecture - читать лекцию;
  • an interpreter [ɪnˈtɜːprɪtə] - устный переводчик.

Task 1. Listen to the text "Laugh, Please", and say which of the two is right:

  1. The writer found giving lectures (more difficult/easier) than writing books.
  2. Last year he was invited to give a lecture to (Chinese/Japanese) students.
  3. Most of his listeners (could/couldn’t) understand spoken English.
  4. The writer spoke to the students through (an interpreter/ another lecturer).
  5. The writer told the listeners a (sad/amusing) story.
  6. The interpreter made his story very (long/short).
  7. The students (laughed/didn’t laugh) afterwards.
  8. The interpreter (told/didn’t tell) the writer’s story in Japanese.

Task 2. Listen to the text again and answer the questions:

  1. Why did the writer ask the interpreter to translate the lecture for him?
  2. Why was the writer surprised?
  3. Why did the students laugh?

Task 3. Tell the story to your friends who haven't heard it.


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